Kevin Urrutia

How To Create An Instagram Post

If you want to use your personal account to promote your business on social media apps, then you should become familiar with some types of rules. You may wonder, are there really any rules that you should follow and who come up with those rules? Well, since apps offer a variety of options, then you need to know how to use these options correctly. And basically, these are the rules. We will start with one simple post, and tell you more about things that you can do to make it perfect.

Kevin Urrutia

Kevin Urrutia teaches us how to create perfect posts for our targeted audience, and then we can use this post to boost the account so it will gain more followers. When you click on the main profile on your Instagram page, you can notice grids, and as you post more images, these grids will create a pattern of your choice. This pattern is also called a theme. How to create this pattern, or more precisely how to create a theme? Well, one of the things that you can do to create the theme is to stick with only one filter. This filter will become something distinctive, and people will be able to recognize your posts even if your post is shared by someone else.

Kevin Urrutia will tell you more about the smart usage of hashtags and captions, which can play a huge role in teaching algorithms to recognize your posts. All in all, you need to make content that will be catchy, interesting, inspirational, and simply good! People will notice that!